Latest News
Home of the Meerkats
Larry G. Meeks Academy (LGMA) is a virtual school that offers many hybrid learning opportunities. The school allows parents/guardians to ensure they have a remote learning option with ample opportunities for students to still come on campus for in-person learning events and activities. Our teachers offer flexible learning experiences where students learn not only the required state standards but also focus on our core values: the BOLTS.
Virtual/Hybrid Model
Students Learn Virtually with In-Person Opportunities
Diverse Student Population
Serving Students in K-12th Grade
Enrichment Opportunities
Available Virtually and In-Person
Got Square?
Learn about the latest news at Larry G. Meeks Academy, connect with staff, and complete forms on ParentSquare.
New 5-Year Strategic Plan
Check out our district's 2024-29 Strategic Plan, which was approved by the Board of Education at the June 5, 2024 board meeting. The plan outlines how our district aims to achieve our goals and adhere to our Core Values.
District News
From podcasts, videos, articles, and other media - NUSD keeps you informed of all the latest events, happenings, and news to keep our community informed.
Opportunities for Students
NUSD offers a variety of opportunities for students to stay engaged and thrive academically and social-emotionally.